This podcast interview with my friend, former colleague and mentor Suzanne Karajaberlian is a focused dose of hope, insight and practical steps that we can take as citizens to elevate environmental and climate protection specifically in this upcoming Canadian federal election but also going forward as active citizens for our planet.
Suzanne is the Managing Director of Environmental Defence – a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.
We spoke at her home in the east end of Toronto.
What I found most interesting about this conversation is how focused and clear Suzanne is about the vision and importance of elevating environmental and climate protection as a non-negotiable Canadian value.
Which means taking environment beyond an issue that is debated and divides along political lines to a baseline value – similar to how we view universal healthcare in this country.
To support this vision, Suzanne has some practical and actionable ways for us to engage. This is hopeful.
We talk about the one earth one vote campaign – which is a campaign to get out the vote for the environment.
We talk about the 100 debates for the environment organized by GreenPAC across Canada.
And we talk about some of the ongoing campaigns that Environmental Defence is leading.
I hope you are inspired, hopeful and motivated after this chat with Suzanne.