The days are getting shorter, cooler, darker and my heart, mind and body are hurting and heavy. My immune system is fighting the latest cold/virus and I’m trying to stay off of Instagram as we find ourselves (again) in unbelievable and heartbreaking times. Times that are calling on our courage, wisdom, hope, imagination and love.
As I sip my 4th cup of hot ginger/lemon/echinacea tea today, I sigh as I appreciate the brilliant title of Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s book which comes out July 16, 2024: What If We Get It Right? (I’ve pre-ordered my copy from my local beloved bookshop, Jessica’s Book Book).
When so much is going terribly wrong in the world, this question - what if we get it right? - fills me with so much peace. I notice how just reading the title provides relief in my body. Asking the question itself is calming. What if we get it right?
“Sometimes the bravest thing we can do while facing an existential crisis is imagine life on the other side. This provocative and joyous book maps an inspiring landscape of possible climate futures.
With grace, humor, and humanity, Ayana invites readers to ask and answer this ultimate question, together: What if we get it right?”
This book is high on my reading wishlist for 2024 and I would love to discuss with the book club.
When we meet next on Tuesday December 5th at 8pm ET (note it’s a Tuesday this month), let’s discuss what we collectively want and need from this group in 2024. I am so curious:
What books or articles do we want to read?
What podcasts do we want to listen to?
What events do we want to experience together?
How do we want to share and connect on climate, self, and community care?
What is feeling good about this group, how it’s organized and how could it be better or different for us in 2024?
Let’s practice radical imagination, creativity and visioning for this group and see how good it can get!
I feel better already. Thank you for being here. Hope to see you on Tuesday December 5th. But before you leave - a few amazing community updates, offerings and gratitude. xo
Community updates: Land Heart Song releases new Album
Tiiu Strutt, Land Heart Song, released her new, beautiful (first!) children’s full-length album “Songs for Tree” in early November. Caylin, Karine and I were there to enjoy the show and celebrate with her. We had so much fun (animal puppets and all)! This album is joyful, hopeful and uplifting. Please go listen to it, save it, sing along with the littles in your life. Congrats Tiiu!
Community updates: HeartWood Healing Arts free 5 day practice Nov 27-Dec 1
Our bookclub member Diane, who leads us through meditations at the beginning of our bookclub gatherings and has offered Qigong at our retreats is now inviting us to uplevel LOVE during these challenging times with a FREE 5-DAY Heroine's Journey Challenge to LET LOVE WIN! The journey starts Monday November 27th and runs through Friday December 1st, 2023.
Diane Gribbin (she/her), Founding Director of HeartWood Healing Arts Eco Wellness Centre, The Somatic Accelerated Melt Healing Program, HeartWood Qigong Instructor Certification Program, and the LET LOVE WIN global Movement and Community, is sharing this beautiful FREE offer.
♡ An invitation to uplevel LOVE! ♡
♡ This is how it works: You will receive a free 15min video delivered to your inbox each day that will invite you into peaceful guided meditation, embodied ancient movement, and writing to open your hearts, reset your nervous systems, and unleash untapped vitality, resiliency & creativity!
As wild-hearted women who deeply care, our concerns for our planet affect us profoundly whether we are consciously aware and engaged with the feelings or not. As we lovingly bridge within, we gain access to new resiliency, CREATIVITY and the vitality we need to vision forward heart first!”
- Diane Gribbin, Heartwood Healing Arts
Thank You for listening & the Support
Finally, thank you for your support and listening to the Finding Joy in Climate Solutions episode with Jinhwa Hwong-Ambrose - we are hearing that it is helpful, accessible, inspiring, and especially relevant in these difficult times. Oh and Dr. Ayana Elizabeth is cheering Jinhwa on for this work, which made both of our days!! Did you listen to the latest podcast episode yet? What did you think? Drop me a line to let me know! Thanks all.