Perhaps it was the combination of both the beauty of spring and the brilliant voices in my ears as I prepped the next podcast episode, because I am feeling so jazzed by all the possibility bursting around me right now and as always, I look forward to sharing these ideas with you.
Thank you Jinhwa!
First some gratitude. Thank you Jinhwa Hwong-Ambrose for hosting and offering our Finding Joy in Climate Solutions workshop on May 3rd. We had an amazing turn out and a wide diversity of Climate Venn Diagrams created! I found it so supportive, hope you did too. If you haven’t had a chance to fill out her feedback survey, please do!
June’s “Book Club” Gathering
Our last gathering before we take a break for the summer will be on Wednesday June 7th at 8pm ET on zoom. Let’s reflect, share and connect on what has been emerging for us this past season. Some ideas on themes and topics for discussion are listed below.
Climate Possibility:
Finding Joy in Climate Solutions. Did the Climate Venn diagram exercise ignite any new possibilities for you? Have fresh insights or dreams emerged that would be supportive to be witnessed by our group?
Self Care for Climate Care. What questions do you have about how to integrate more self care for climate care into your life? (remembering adrienne marie brown’s wisdom: “What is easy is sustainable. Birds coast while they can”)
Climate Emotions
The Plugged In Podcast episode I recoded in New Orleans on March 1st will be released later in May and I would love to hold some space to discuss. Stay tuned for the episode!
Climate Justice
Rehearsals for Living Book Launch: I learned so much from reading Robyn Maynard and Leanne Betasamosake Simpson this spring. What a sweet treat to meet them in person (have my book signed!) and hear them read and share their brilliance live in April.
Summer Reading List (Books!)
A few books to add to your summer reading list that we can discuss in our fall gatherings. Have a suggestion? Let me know what book you’d like us to explore as we head into the fall.
Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility: a collection of essays edited by Rebecca Solnit & Thelma Young Lutunatabua. More info on this book and study guide available here:
The End of this World: Climate Justice in So-Called Canada: a book by Angele Alook, Emily Easton, David Gray-Donald, Joel Laforest, Crystal Lameman and Bronwen Tucker.
One of the authors, Emily Eaton, is a friend of mine from university days (was a guest on an earlier episode of Plugged In) will join us for a book talk/ Q&A this fall, so stay tuned for that!
Summer Listening List (Podcasts!)
Plugged In Podcast episode recorded in front of a live audience in New Orleans on the topic of "exploring our climate emotions as energy services professionals" will be released later this month. This question took us deep into the work of climate justice, the impacts that systemic racism and colonization have, and how important it is to care for our bodies and emotions.
The Case for Climate Hope: on the Science of Happiness Podcast (Rebecca Solnit, author of 'It's Not Too Late" joins the Science of Happiness podcast: In the first episode in our series Climate, Hope and Science, we explore how embracing uncertainty enables us to move beyond climate anxiety and despair to hope and action, with author and activist Rebecca Solnit.)